I know that I probably sound like I’m against the electoral system and against our wonderful Sovereign, Socialist ,Secular, Democratic Republic. Don’t get me wrong on this one, I believe in our country’s Government and the system in place as much as the next man. Though I agree that my knowledge about all things political is probably less than that of ‘Bombs’ of Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na fame :P
However, the reason I’m so glad the damn thing is over is all the wonderful campaigning and intellectual ‘discussions’ (read stupid people shouting their heads of at other stupid people while stupider people watch on TV) that we witnessed over the past month or so.
I just can’t understand how all the yelling and finger pointing and woefully remixed songs can help a party or a candidate win (imagine having to hear “Pinaraaaaaaayi nammude Pinaraaayi” while waiting at the Thampanoor bus stand!). Plus we have our new age media channels covering all this stuff and fuelling the fires. One would think these media guys get some kinda pleasure from watching people go at each others throats!
I’d also like to add that I’m deeply disappointed with the Congress for taking advantage of the whole Slumdog and ‘Jai ho’ thing and also at the parties that roped in film stars to help their campaigns. And the Congress was the only party I had some respect for. How unfortunate.
While coming home by bus today, there was a madman sitting behind me and shouting at the top of his voice about how Sonia Gandhi had more sense then all the men in politics and his opinion about these men (in very explicit Malayalam, I might add).
If this current format of shouting, bitching, accusing and remixing goes on, I wouldn’t be surprised if aforementioned madman has a lot of company after the next elections!
Anyways, I’m just glad that its all over, though I did hear some news channels promising exhaustive and in-depth analysis of the elections in the coming days.
*Groan*…………here we go again…….
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