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Saturday, July 31, 2010

The wonderful randomness of life, in pictures

I love taking pictures. It’s the reason I always insist on having a really good camera phone I can whip out anytime and start snapping. This tendency of mine has led to quite a large collection of photos that are highly unlikely to make sense to anyone other than me. There are some taken on walks, during drives, at home, on train journeys, inside shops, it just keeps on going. It’s not like no one has ever seen them, but I suppose keeping them all stored on a hard drive doesn’t really do them justice either, so here are a few.

Dove Orchid...don't get the name for nothing!
A rainy night in Trivandrum, my kind of weather!
Munnar... didn't even have to bother with a good angle.
Oil slick, BP should see this!
Found greenery in Chennai! On a road in Adyar.

Note:  This just a taste of what jobless people do when left alone. Believe me it's fun! All the pictures displayed here were taken by me courtesy the Sony Ericsson k550i and c903. Thanks a bunch SE!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Update

Apologies to all those who have been cursing my more philosophical musings of late. Too much time spent in a room knowing your mates are still fooling around with extended vacations tends to do that to a man. So I thought I’d take a break and go back to posting nonsense.

So what exactly has been going on while the blog has been temporarily frozen in time? Well, the World Cup came and went without me watching a single match proper and somehow finding myself immune to football fever, though even I can’t seem to get ‘Waving flag’ out of my ears.

Also been trying to rediscover reading, however Paulo Coelho’s ‘Brida’ is proving a real roadblock and I just want to get through it and move on to books that will keep me glued to them. (Sorry Bee!!!)

For those who do not know, the Army is still in Kashmir and we possible future journalists are debating issues on topics related to that, along with the BP oil spill and the Bhopal gas tragedy (when we are not playing dumb charades that is). Which reminds me, we also played a rather interesting game called ‘Boomerang’, except that it ended up with me forced to explain hair care techniques and endorse an electronic waste paper basket!

On a (slightly) more serious note, I’m trying to find a window to write more seriously and develop the blog a bit more, though time is short and my access to the internet is horrendously limited. I just like this blog too much to simply let it go. So consider this a transmission against the stagnation of blogs, this is not John Connor but if you are reading this, you are the Resistance. Show your support in overthrowing Stagnet by leaving some comments and coming up with some creative ideas for me to work on. Let’s get moving soldiers!

A Worthy Cause

There are a lot of driven individuals in the world. All spurring themselves on in pursuit of something they believe in. Normally, all others stand by and nod in approval, acknowledging their efforts and showing faith in them.

Then there are some others who walk along an equally difficult path, who motivate themselves equally hard, but also know the fear of disapproval, of failure, and heartache. Few people applaud these actions, but the people who perform them do not aim to earn praise. What they seek is a contentment of heart, what they seek is the happiness of another. The driven individuals in the first category may be willing to sacrifice anything and everything to achieve their ends, while the latter are willing to sacrifice themselves at the risk of disappearing without a trace.

The dilemma however is, success seems a dark temptress. Only those who quest for it ruthlessly seem to attain it. So where does that put those souls who choose that fading path of love and longing? Do they still stand a chance or are they to be abandoned by the wayside?

Indeed, it is a path riddled with self doubt and sadness. A path that at times tests the sanity of those who walk it, trying to turn fantastic stories to reality, trying to put everything in line for feelings other people take for granted. Is this even right or is it a fool’s dream? Perhaps time and faith alone hold the answer.

We strive nevertheless, come what may. Remember, in the end, all we seek is the happiness of another. A million people may frown, but as long as that one person smiles, it remains a worthy cause…