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Friday, May 8, 2009

Thoughts, ideas, creativity and plain weirdness!

Alright, so I’ve been playing around with the idea of starting a blog for some time now.

I mean, that’s what all bored out of their mind teenagers with life changing entrance examinations coming up do right?

And so, one fine morning, I’m sitting in front of the computer, listening to music, surfing the net, and generally appreciating the good things in life when my more creative alter ego finally takes over. So here I am!

Here’s the plan, I go about leading my normal life and whenever my more creative alter ego starts to surface ( really need to find a name for him……..suggestions? ), I post and find some creative release, simple huh?

So while I ‘prepare’ for aforementioned upcoming examination, I’ve been listening to new music, watching new movies and making new friends (at crash course classes no less!). Might as well express my self to the world while I’m at it.

As of now, life’s great, hope it stays that way until results come, but to hell with them anyway. So that’s all for my first post (applause!) . Until next time then……..may it not be too long !


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